Shop di Luce Evolutiva
Acquisti esclusivi per Anime Sensibili e Potenti, come te
Amo condividere con te, tra le tue mani, LUCE PURA!
Quando mi è stato chiesto di incanalare i flussi e i codici luminosi che solo io vedevo, in piccole bottiglie che avrebbero raggiunto le mani e le case di molte persone per trasformarle, sostenerle e far vivere la cosmica energia di LuceAmore, per me è stata un'emozione e un onore immenso!
Sono grata all' Universo di poter essere tramite di questa Energia Condensata
sono lieta della tua presenza in questa spazio speciale.
Tu sei quella persona per la quale il Cosmo mi ha chiesto di Creare questa Magia.
THE Points of Light
The points of light are the seven major creative energy spheres in the body; they are control units that absorb and then radiate light energy; each point is connected to specific parts of the body.
The origins
These frequencies are the origins, the original and essential basis of all our energy, they are part of being, of daily life, they are the ones that are always activated and moved in each of us.
THE Rays of light
The seven rays of light awaken the soul and remind it of the divine attributes and virtues already within it, favor and support their manifestation in the here now.
The Events
They are rainbow essences, expression of our origin of light , they help to remember that we are incarnated light which needs to manifest on the earth plane.
The essences of the original energies of life, help to rediscover the origins within oneself, to dissolve the genealogical ties by transforming ancient dynamics and harmful to evolution; they reactivate the link with universal principles.
Essences connected to the elements of Mother Earth , favor rebalancing and well-being of the physical-energetic body.
The Specials
Specific waters of Light to meet any particular need ; these essences act directly and only on the specific need highlighted.
The Specials
Specific waters of Light to meet any particular need ; these essences act directly and only on the specific need highlighted.